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What airport should I fly to?


We recommend you fly in to Santiago Airport (STI). Some of our guests like to split their vacation time between Puerto Plata tourist beaches and Casa de Las Anas- in which case, fly in to Puerto Plata. 

How far is the Santiago Airport by car?


The trip by car is ~1.5hrs depending on traffic

Do you provide transportation to and from the airport?


 Yes. AnaJulia's brother, Berto is a chauffer and can come get you and deliver you straight to Casa De Las Anas. Keep in mind that gas is much more expensive in the DR and the price varies depending on US dollar value. (usually around $89)




How far away from Santo Domingo is Casa de Las Anas?


Casa de las Anas is about 3.5 hours away, depending on traffic. 


Does it get cold at night? Will I need a coat?


Even during the winter months, Moncion does not get very cold. At most you will need a light jacket or sweater. We do, however, recomend a light rain jacket for the brief tropical thunderstorms. 


Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some of the questions that have come up with previous visitors. Casa De Las Anas had their first visitor in 2008 and we continuously try to find better ways to serve you and make your experience relaxing and unique. Please email us with any questions you have about our guesthouse and the Dominican Republic.


Do you accomodate long-term stays?


Yes. Let us know your plans as early as possible so we can make the necessary preparations.

Where do proceeds of Casa De Las Anas go?


The small profit we make from the guesthouse goes to supporting AnaJulia and her family. This is her only source of income.


Is it safe for a woman traveling alone?


Absolutely. Santiago is known as "Ciudad de los caballeros" - City of the gentlemen. In general Dominicans are friendly, helpful, and genuine. Santo Domingo does have some dangerous areas with muggers. Once you get into Santiago, Mao, and especially Monción, you'll find most everyone to be very ultra-nice and helpful. The most you may have to deal with are cat-calls. 


Can I change money in Moncion?


Yes. You can change cash, and you can also change US bank checks at a local store. There are also 3 ATMs available for withdrawls, BanReservas, BancoPopular, and Cooperativa Mamoncito. Casa De Las Anas currently accepts payment in american dollars, checks, and dominican pesos. 



Can I overstay my 30 day tourist card?


Yes. You can overstay the tourist card up to 90 days. There is a $25 fee at the airport when you exit the country. If you are planning a visit longer than 90 days you can apply for a visa or request an extension in Santo Domingo once you arrive. 


What are some packing tips when preparing to visit?


It's a good idea to bring sunscreen, bug repelent, and ear plugs. Women- you don't need to pack too many underwear, because you have to hand wash them daily to avoid ants (underwear hangers available in each room). Dominicans always recommend white socks over black socks to avoid mosquito bites. Light cotton clothing is advised due to the high level of humidity. Bring shoes you don't mind getting muddy, as the callejon entering Casa De Las Anas is not paved. 

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