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Casabe Factory Tour

Monción is known for its Casabe. Casabe is a traditional bread made from yucca (aka cassava, manioc). Monción has several factories that you can tour and AnaJulia's sister, Glenys, has a small factory that specializes in panesico, roquete and ojadra (all made from yucca) as well as roasted nuts. Take home some packets to share with your family and friends.

Here in the cibao region, the rivers are our beaches. It is common for families to go and spend the day at the river to stay cool. Families will bring a pot and cook a meal at the river edge while sharing a bottle of rum and listening to music. At Casa De Las Anas we can organize transport via motorcycle or SUV. You can chose to have a meal cooked at the river edge, or bring along snacks.

A Day at the River

El Bohío is the best restaurant in the area. Bohío is the indigenous word used for the huts the Taino people constructed. AnaJulia's brother, Che works there as manager and waiter. They serve all the Dominican food favorites like Mofongo as well as hamburgers and fries, and drinks. The restaurant is decorated in a typical fashion and is located on the road to the Presa Monción. 

Dine at Restaurante El Bohío 

Monción is a very safe town to go out at night. You can walk to several different bars and clubs or ask for a ride. Dominicans love to dance merengue, bachata, salsa, and reggeaton. You will see people of all ages out dancing and drinking during the wee hours of the night. There is free live music playing Friday nights at the Mediterraneo and on Sunday nights at Cerro Bar. 

Check out the Nightlife

Check out the nearby mountains and rivers along with the tiny isolated towns of the Cibao backcountry. Enjoy beautiful views with a trustworthy group of motorcyclists. You will navigate the dirt and stone paths and see towns inaccesible by car. Rent a bike if you have a motorcycle license or sit on the back and enjoy the ride. WEAR A HELMET!!

Dirt Biking

Monción is a typical backcountry Dominican town, but also very special in many ways. The people are friendly, helpful, and curious. Explore the colmados, shops, salons, restaurants, streets. Monción is known for its casabe, carpentry, and pine trees. There are no tourists in this area and everyone wants to share their knowledge about the area and culture. 

Explore Monción

AnaJulia and the Eckerts lived for a time in a nearby town, San Jose De Las Matas. It is another lovely town with rivers and streets lined with huge trees. You can choose to stay with AnaJulia's aunt, Carmen for the same price as Casa De Las Anas. Doña Carmen graduated from a highly esteemed cooking school and bakes cakes for a living. San Jose de Las Matas (aka SaJoMa) is about one hour away. Rent a car or pay for transportation to arrive.

Visit San Jose De Las Matas

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There are many beautiful spots in the area that are only reachable by foot. Go exploring with our knowledgeable guides to take in the gorgeous views. One of the hikes is to the famous "Charco de los indios", a natural pool cut deep into a rock. Above, towers a boulder with the shape of a face with wide-open mouth. Specify the length of hike you are looking for and we will find you the perfect adventure. 

Nature Hike

Visit Santiago de los caballeros

Santiago is the closest city to Monción and is about 1.5 hours away. Santiago is a great place to buy souvenirs and clothing. Visit the monument where there is always music and fun ambiance. Check out the supermarkets where they serve delicious food, cafeteria style. AnaJulia can show you where to get all the best deals for souvenirs and how to get around in "publicos" and "margaritas."



Monción has a beautiful reservoir and electricity dam. You can walk to the dam or rent a motorcycle to get there faster. Many moncioneros walk to the dam for exercise. Just before reaching the reservoir there is a beautiful area with trees and benches where you can take pictures and enjoy the fresh breeze.

Visit La Presa Monción

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